A couple of comments -
(a) door off operations require a relevant permission via a Flight Manual (POH) Supplement. The answer sought will be the Ops Manual wherein the POH permission will be given the company operational OK for company aircraft. The OM should also provide guidance on any protocols required to be followed by the company.
(b) re fuel load, while the pilot might have to explain his/her decision to the CP, at the end of the day, he/she has the authority to make the call.
CAAP 234-1(2) has some relevant words.
CAAP 215-1(3) considers operational control. Pretty relevant and important to the question.
CASA 29/18 (
www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2018L00644) imposes joint pilot/operator responsibilities
CAR (1988) 234 imposes relevant requirements
Basically, the pilot must observe regulatory and operator minimum requirements, unless emergency conditions dictate some other recovery plan, but retains the prerogative to exceed those minimum requirements.