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With the CFPA exam will they expect you to interpolate between the TAS figures? I was just doing a question from the book and it asked me for the ANMPG and GNMPG for 2725kg, 12,500 feet and 75% power with a 30kt headwind. I'm also subscribed to the lecture video series but i cant find information on exactly how to interpolate for this chart.
bobtait replied the topic: TAS charts for the ECHO
The short answer is no, the CASA exam will not expect you to extract any values from TAS, ROC or fuel flow tables. That information will simply be provided in the text of the question.
The reason I decided to include the tables in the supplement, was that the syllabus for CPL says you should be able to extract information from data provided by the manufacturer. So I decided to provide the tables for questions included in the course. After all, that's what you would have to do if you were operating in the real world.
You would never be expected to interpolate beyond half way between published values.