
Alternates and weather minimums

  • mauna3
  • Topic Author

mauna3 created the topic: Alternates and weather minimums

HELP, im going mad!!!!.
So, i currently have my FAA CPL(H) and working towards my conversion. On the whole its all going well so far, but i cannot get my head around my requirements for an alternate and what the weather minimums are at the alternate.

What i pretty sure is that if at the destination +/- 30mins ceiling needs to be no greater than 4/8 below 1500 and vis not less than 8km?

now im looking at the requirements for the alternate, and this line from the VRG has me stumped...

For flight by aeroplanes under VFR (day or night) and helicopters operating under VFR at night, the alternate minima are a ceiling of 1500 ft and a visibility of 8 km (AIP ENR 1.1). For VFR helicopter operations by day, the alternate minima are the same as for night unless the additional conditions specified below are met.
When operating a helicopter under VFR, and the use of helicopter VMC is permissible at the destination, the pilot in command must provide for a suitable alternate aerodrome when either of the following conditions is forecast at the destination:

cloud – more than SCT below a ceiling of 1000 ft or
visibility – less than 3000 m.

Im interested in helis, VFR day/night the alternate mins are the same as the destination? But then it talks about ceilings more than SCT below 1000 and 3000m vis. HELP, my brain is going to boil

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  • Stuart Tait

Stuart Tait replied the topic: Alternates and weather minimums

You are correct when noting 2 different alternate minimum requirements listed in the AIP. The key is understanding when "Helicopter VMC" or "Heli-VMC" is permissible.

Please see AIP ENR 1.2, table 2.5, items 4 &5. Basically in Class G airspace only, Helicopters are allowed to conduct operations using a reduced VMC called "Helicopter VMC" provided the helicopter complies with certain conditions noted in the table. The main condition is below 700ft AGL. Once again this is allowed in Class G OCTA only.

So the reference you refer to in AIP ENR 1.1 Para refers to a reduced alternate minima (cloud more than SCT below a ceiling of 1000ft or Visibility less than 3000m) for helicopters intending to approach to a Class G Aerodrome or HLS OCTA. Helicopters by night or approaching to an aerodrome in Class C/D airspace must use the same alternate minima as planes.

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  • mauna3
  • Topic Author

mauna3 replied the topic: Alternates and weather minimums

Thanks a lot, makes sense now. Brain boiling is starting to subside!!

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