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Mach81 created the topic: First CASA Exam - CSYA. Any advice?
Hi all,
I'm two weeks out from my first CASA exam, self-studying, and chose to do CSYA first. Started off reading through the text in full, completing each exercise after each chapter, and now doing practice exam after practice exam. I've completed all practice tests in the textbook and seem to be consistently achieving only 70-80% each time - it's almost as if I've plateaued. After marking each exam I go back into the textbook and study the content relating to the questions I got incorrect and take physical notes, but it seems that I can't scores any higher than 80% at most.
I'd love to know any tips/tricks, or maybe even a different way to study so that I can start achieving higher in the practice exams and be better prepared - or should I look at pushing back the real exam?
Harry BT replied the topic: First CASA Exam - CSYA. Any advice?
Hi MACH81,
Great to hear you’ve booked your first Exam! Exciting!
Everyone studies differently, so you have to work out what works best for you. The following is based off my own experiences and feedback from other students.
Having a time pressure is good as hopefully it will help you focus and not procrastinate. 2 weeks will also give you plenty of time to study up before sitting the exam.
Make sure when you’re completing the practice exams, you treat it like the real test. Find a quiet space where you wont be disturbed or distracted and give it your full attention. The same applies when studying.
Read the questions carefully, and read every single answer. I like to write down a letter for each option (if it’s multiple choice) and cross out the ones I know are 100% incorrect. Using this method you can generally get it down to a 50/50 choice. Then it’s a case of picking the most correct answer.
Look for trends in the questions you get wrong. Are you forgetting Acronyms? Are you not reading the questions (or answers) carefully enough? Are there certain topics you need to revise?
Read a chapter at a time and then make sure you're getting nearly all the exercises correct before moving on to the next chapter.
Use flash cards for key concepts and ask a family member to test you.
Best of luck with the study! Let us know how you go!