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Photo Thread
Topic Author
benharris10 created the topic: Photo Thread
G'day Rich,
Just an idea, but what about a photo's thread as a sticky? I'm sure there will be some great pics, and I'm sure Bob has some good ones in the vault to be shared as well?
You know what Ben, that's a good idea. Consider it done. In fact the new photo thread has its own forum now - for photo threads associated with anything remotely aviation related. Isn't it amazing what an can still be accomplished after a bottle or two of red with Bob at his place
Good luck on the weekend with the aeros comp at Watts Bridge by the way. We were all talking about that tonight. Looks like we're going to try and make an event out of it especially if we can get a banjo and a guitar out there. Are you overnighting too?
Also, don't forget, if you win, you get the honour of getting in the first round!
...well, the photo forum would be available but the missing GD2 lib on the server means we can't use that forum yet. I have disabled the Photos forum for the moment but as soon as the server problems are sorted I'll re-activate it.