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Unsure about an Incorrect answer in the ppl practice exam.
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Shem56 created the topic: Unsure about an Incorrect answer in the ppl practice exam.
Hi there, I'm not sure if this is the right Forum area but anyway,
I just attempted this question and am unsure why my answer was wrong.
Apparently the correct answer is: 5-7 eighths stratus, base 2000 ft.
If the ATD from YSWG was 0000Z And ETA at YMER is 0200Z, The YSWG - YSCB leg should be from 0000Z to 0100Z (Approx).
My understanding is that the GAF Indicates the BKN (5-7 eighths) Stratus with 2000ft base is only From 03Z..
That should be 2 hours after I am on that leg.