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AHUF exam passed

  • Darren77
  • Topic Author

Darren77 created the topic: AHUF exam passed

Hi all,

I'm in the process of converting my overseas ATPL to an Australian license, and merde! the rumours are true! As a veteran of ATPL exams in several different jurisdictions I can say without a doubt that the CASA examinations are by far the wordiest, most pedantic exams I have ever sat. God help you if English isn't your first language as it's an English exam as much as anything. I failed AHUF on my first sitting as I hadn't studied the TEM area enough, but my second sitting went well so I thought I'd share a few questions that I got wrong and/or wasn't sure of the correct answers. I found these forums very helpful and Bob Tait's Human Factors book was an invaluable resource.

The exam is still very TEM heavy, out of 42 questions I think there at least 15 questions relating to it. I got two of them wrong according to my KDR but I really have no idea which ones, sorry.

There was a question on 'visual fields' and scanning for traffic that I got wrong. There were 4 options, two were obviously wrong but the two tempting ones were-

1-By moving your head slowly from side to side
2-Moving your eyes back and forth as quickly as possible

The above wording is not perfect but I chose number 1 and got it wrong, so it must be number 2. Now it was the wording 'as quickly as possible' on number 2 that made me select number 1 as it didn't say anything about moving your head and allowing your eyes to rest briefly. Neither answer seemed to describe the 'saccade rest cycle' adequately (in fact a combination of those two answers seemed to be most correct but obviously this wasn't an option) Very frustrating as that question should be a slam dunk.

A question on personality and what is resistant to change- Personality and/or attitude? There were 4 options. I saw this question discussed on these forums earlier but I couldn't find a reference for the correct answer in Bob Tait's book so I went with my gut instinct on the day and said that they are BOTH resistant to change. I got it wrong and I am still none the wiser.

There was a question on the effects of stress on performance. 4 possible answers. Once again I saw this question discussed here but couldn't find a specific reference relating to the choices given by CASA. The answers were
1- Something..
2- Depends on the pilot skill and experience
3- Impossible to predict
4- Never good
I answered number 3 as stress effects people differently but I think the correct answer must be 4 as I got it wrong.

That's all folks. You really need to be on top of the TEM stuff but the rest of the exam is stuff you either know or you don't. Anyhow, I'm off to do some 'symptom directed stress coping' (drink beer) and start preparing for the fun and games that will be the CASA ATPL Air Law Exam.

Thank you and good luck all!

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  • Stuart Tait

Stuart Tait replied the topic: AHUF exam passed

G'day Darren
Congratulations on the pass, we appreciate the feedback every bit of input is valuable as the exam questions are considered state secrets and feedback like yours helps us try and tweak the books and exam preps.


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  • stevocarter

stevocarter replied the topic: AHUF exam passed

Hi Darren77, I totally agree with your comments on the overseas conversion, I am also in the process. I passed IREX on second shot, (Bob Tait’s book was excellent.) just passed AOSA yesterday on third attempt! This is the hardest exam I’ve written in my career. Unreasonably hard in my opinion.
So starting on AHUF now.
Question for Bob and team; can I download your book on AHUF on line, or is it only available as hard copy?

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Stuart Tait replied the topic: AHUF exam passed

G'day Stevo

I have already suggested to get AFT's AHUF book, but you can get an E-text version of our study guide through our website www.bobtait.com.au/cpl-products-page/49-...case/38-hpl-showcase


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  • stevocarter

stevocarter replied the topic: AHUF exam passed

Thanks Stuart, I went and bought a hard copy, all good. Find it easier to study.

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bobtait replied the topic: AHUF exam passed

Well done Darren
I could do with some 'symptom directed stress coping' myself at the moment. With the drastic changes being introduced on December 2nd, the CASA minefield of documents will get even more difficult to negotiate i'm afraid. Congratulations!


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  • stevocarter

stevocarter replied the topic: AHUF exam passed

Hi Stuart,
Well is squeaked through the AHUF.
Thought I’d actually done better, but obviously need to brush up on my English literature.

Bob’s book was excellent, and bang on the money.
Now completed all three AOSA exams, and have to say, for me they are the hardest flying exams I’ve ever done. Ridiculously hard. Back when I first did all my exams, we used to say they were written by disgruntled ex navigators, not sure which sadists to blame here.

The TEM stuff is over the top, but I suppose it’s their train set…
Well done to Bob for a great set of books, which I will highly recommend to those coming through.

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Stuart Tait replied the topic: AHUF exam passed

G'day Steve

Congratulations and thanks for the kind words


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