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Employee Pressure

  • BStanmore
  • Topic Author

BStanmore created the topic: Employee Pressure

Hi Guys,

Had the attached question pop up in the final timed CHUF practice exam this morning and just wanted to get some clarification!

From all the reading I've done in the BT textbook, CAAP 5.59 and the Safety Behaviors Resource Booklet #8 TEM it would seem that employee pressure is classified as a latent threat, but in full it is an External Latent Organisational threat... So I was splitting hairs when deciding which answer to pick in the below question! Just wondering what makes the "external threat" answer "MORE correct" then the latent threat answer when both the CAAP and Resource book (produced by CASA) clearly state employee pressure under latent threats (although I understand as mentioned above in full employee pressure is an external latent organisational threat...)

Your help is certainly very much appreciated !


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  • Qfly

Qfly replied the topic: Employee Pressure

Threats may be classified as Internal or External in the primary inference, having said this and I totally agree with you about the "latent organizational thing" it is often best to try and not to over-think this stuff and keep it simple, so anything that may be a threat that originates from outside the cockpit will be classed as external, ie; weather, traffic, birds, pressure too meet time-frames etc etc. But for the most part this particular threat is an external threat to begin with.

It did not originate from within the cockpit but was created from something that happens from outside the cockpit.

Hope that provides some clarity, mind you we all struggle with TEM and the definitions are bewildering at best!!

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