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Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

  • Westcott
  • Topic Author

Westcott created the topic: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Hi. Just creating a group so we can share our exam experiences. Good luck everyone!!


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  • Westcott
  • Topic Author

Westcott replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Did both PIFR and IREX exams yesterday. 77% and 78%.

A pass is a pass is a pass.

Thanks Bob for 2 great weeks of tuition! Hope the rest of the group do well also.

Cheers, Mark

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  • dtrembath

dtrembath replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Well done Mark .....

Was the PIFR much different (different focus) than IREX?
Any surprises in the IREX?

Catch you again one day ....


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  • Westcott
  • Topic Author

Westcott replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Hi David
Yes, the PIFR was a surprise. Nearly a third of the questions hadn't been covered. (Human factors, specific questions re PIFR status etc).
IREX was as expected, yet there were so many questions I was waiting for that weren't in it. It was like we'd learned more than we needed. Having said that, the exam q's today could cover all those I expected yesterday. Depends on the mix of questions that comes up each time.

Summary, I wouldn't have had a hope without doing the 2 weeks with Bob. 2 other guys in the exam had been self studying for 12 months. They both failed. :( :(

Hope all is well. Cheers, Mark

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bobtait replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Gidday Mark

Congratulations mate. I wasn't aware that the PIFR contained questions on Human Performance. Those funny little psychologists want to inject their 'psychobable' into everything. Sometimes I suspect they really do think they know what they're talking about.

By the way, I love your photo!!!

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  • dtrembath

dtrembath replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Hi mark

Was time any issue?



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  • Westcott
  • Topic Author

Westcott replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Time was not an issue. I had plenty of time for the questions and then to go back and check them.
Good tip to just go and do the easy ones first.

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  • Capt. BULA

Capt. BULA replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Mark...Congrats mate...!!!Just enquiring about tagging!! Would you know the limit of tagging in the IREX exam? :sick:

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  • Westcott
  • Topic Author

Westcott replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

This is why GOD invented Google Capt Bula!!!


:laugh: :laugh:

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  • Westcott
  • Topic Author

Westcott replied the topic: Re: Bob's July 2011 IREX Course

Tags permitted or not permitted

The size of a tag shall not exceed 4.5 cm x 1.5 cm. The following lists the maximum number of tags per respective publication where such publications are permitted in exam session:

(i) CAR (1988), (ii) CASR (1998) [used in only Balloon exam], and (iii) Part 137 [used in aeroplane agricultural rating exam] – no tag permitted
CAO – no tag permitted
AIP Book (or its Jeppesen equivalent) – maximum 10 (ten) tags
ERSA – maximum 5 (five) tags
Day VFR Guide (note: this publication has been temporarily withdrawn) – no tag permitted
DAP East & West – no tag permitted
CAAP – no tag permitted
Handbook and Operations Manual of exam aircraft model – no tag permitted
All charts – no tag permitted
Any exam-permitted publication not listed here – no tag permitted

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