Hi bob and all, hope some one can shed some light on this topic. I am getting confused when the questions relate to SE and ME CIR. When its says you have done a certain amount of landings or hours they have done i always get the questin wrong. The same with NVFR questions with charter or air work and the aeronautical and recent experience. No matter how many times i read 42.2.1 and all thats around it and Bobs study guide its still not clicking.
for example this question
A pilot with a CIR may act a PIC on a single pilot IFR CHTR flight in an aircraft if he has recorded which of the following instrument times in aircraft, appropriate for the respective type of operation, with in the last 90 days?
(A) Multi Crew Operations 10 hours PIC instrument flight time including several instrument approaches; single pilot operations - 3 hour PIC instrument flight time but no inst app
Multi Crew Operations - 3 hours ICUS instrument flight time including several instrument approaches; single pilot operations - 4 hours dual instrument flight time includingv several instument app
(C) Multi Crew Operations 4 hours dual inst flight time including several instrument approaches; single pilt operations - 2 hour dualinst flight time including several instument approaches
(D) Multi Crew Operations 2 hours dual instrument flight time including several instrument aproache; single pilot ops 3 hours ICUS instrument flight time with several inst app.
I look at all that and I can see any familiar numbers and it doesnt make sense.