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New PBN Chapter available for IREX

  • Richard
  • Topic Author

Richard created the topic: New PBN Chapter available for IREX

Hi everyone,

There is a new chapter for the IREX textbook covering Performance Based Navigation (PBN) available in the supplements section of the site. These new pages will be incorporated in a future revision of the IREX textbook but we are making it available early to help you study the additional topics in the Part 61 MOS for IREX. You can find the supplement here:


As always, comments and criticisms are welcome B)



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  • Steve gee

Steve gee replied the topic: New PBN Chapter available for IREX

Thanks Rich
I will open the pandoras box
I have an older IFR SE/A
Old radios old GNC-300XL NON WAAS
and not yet ADSB holding off waiting for US$ to drop
What to put on the FLIGHT PLAN
The old S for standard is GONE and its now FGOVZ or whatever you have..
and then in NAV I am putting RNP2 in remarks NIL ILS
this is based on the PBN Deeming Provisions for GNSS Equipment Page 12 of the PBN CASA document.
Could you please spell out the rules in my case I am only equipped with TSO C129-Class A1 GPS
and TSOd VOR/NDB Dual Comm
In particular the Alternate requirements have changed and you must carry a ALT with radio aid.
I am CIR SEA expired and PIR with all FPAs except ILS.
In particular Air Services are requesting us to put in PIR if we are PIFR and all the FPAs which in some cases fills the remarks page.
For ops into CTA so they don't request you do some approach for which you are not rated.

The other thing I have noted in CASA 356/12 is that they have re-included the LOCALISER back into VOR approaches something I haven't seen for NON ILS rating s for several years.
Does this mean a VOR FPA is now a VOR/LOC FPA?

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