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Passed PIFR (first time) - Thanks and a suggestion

  • Anton
  • Topic Author

Anton created the topic: Passed PIFR (first time) - Thanks and a suggestion

Hi Bob/Rich

I just wanted to say a huge thanks for your fantastic IREX book. I had to self study for my PIFR exam and passed first go using your book. I have also frequently used used your forum's and found them extremely helpful, particularly when your self studying. Appreciated you both answering my questions.

I did have one suggestion. The IREX book is obviously for those sitting the IREX exam. I would have though there would a market for a PIFR book, being effectively a subset of the IREX. I would imagine it should be relatively easy to produce a specific text using the relevant parts of the IREX. I did find it difficult at first to distinguish what was relevant for PIFR and a separate text would made this quicker and easier. I appreciate the audience may not be a large but, would have thought it would be just a matter of pulling together the relevant IREX bits and then adding a few examples or comments for things that may be specific.

Anyhow, just my 2 cents and thanks again


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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: Passed PIFR (first time) - Thanks and a suggestion

Well done Anton! Thanks for the suggestion. The only problem is a PIFR can be a collection of "bolt-on" modules to the basic rating so we would end up having to include all of the IREX material anyway to cover the different variations of PIFR out there. Good thinking though :)



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  • Anton
  • Topic Author

Anton replied the topic: Passed PIFR (first time) - Thanks and a suggestion

Hi Rich

I do see your point and understand where you are coming from. I guess I was thinking more of just the PIFR basic rating exam itself (which has no bolt-on questions) and helping students get through the exam. Once passed all the bolt-ons are something you could get from the IREX text.

I suppose the thing I found most challenging when using your IREX book for the CASA PIFR exam it was hard to know what was relevant for just the PIFR exam. Now that I have been through the process it is much clearer and I will refer to the IREX for the bolt-ons.

A good example of this is Night Flying, and the question I asked about alternatives. In a PFIR book, all you would need to state is that for PFIR, all Night Flights require an alternative full stop. Then it takes away having to think about all the other senarios in the IREX Book (and confusion as to whether they are relevant). The other area that's obviously very different is descents below LSALT as the rules are much simpler with a PIFR. Finally a set of mock exam questions that only relate to those questions likely asked on a PIFR exam would be helpful as the answers to your IREX questions were often different when under PIFR, particularly those with alternates and minimums.

Anyway, thanks for listening and as always I really appreciate what you and Bob are doing for General Aviation in Australia.

Thanks to both of you

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