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  • Roy
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Roy created the topic: IREX CIR SET 4 Q1

I thought the answer should be A. We don’t need an alternate since we fall in first 3 hrs of TAF3?

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Gflightyt replied the topic: IREX CIR SET 4 Q1

Question No 1 [AIP ENR 1.1 para & (a)] (ATC AU-302 3.2.5 & 3.2.3)
A private IFR flight is planned to arrive at Adelaide at 250615 UTC. The destination TAF3 includes.
FM 250500 23020KT 3000 +SHRA BKN020
The nearest suitable alternate is 120 minutes away. The minimum extra fuel required to satisfy any alternate or
holding requirements is-

[a] no holding or alternate is required because arrival is within the first 3 hours
60 minutes holding is required
[c] 120 minutes alternate fuel is required
[d] 30 minutes holding fuel is required


3000 VIS is below alt for any AD in Australia.. usually its 4.4 vis for an alternate

TAF3 purely means you don't need a 30 min buffer before and after the first three hours


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bobtait replied the topic: IREX CIR SET 4 Q1

Thanks for your feed-back. I've changed the arrival time in that question to 250440. That makes it within 30min of the commencement of the FM but, because it's a TAF3, the 30min buffers do not apply within the first 3 hours. You don't need an alternate.

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dmw69 replied the topic: IREX CIR SET 4 Q1

For this question, how do we know the arrival is within the first three hours of the TAF3? All we have is the FM part of the TAF, but we aren't given the TAF validity start & finish times, so how can we assume we don't need to account for the 30 min buffer when it's possible that the TAF started more than 3 hours before the FM?

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