This is information you will have to memorise.
When reading the book, I suggest reading the AIP/MOS reference next to the sentence/question/answer. And not only that reference, but read the paragraph before and after.
The process at the exam will be to initially search the information in AIP, then if not found, look in the IREX extract. I strongly suggest reading them both as they will be available to you at the exam. The key will be how fast you find the information.
With regards to this particular question, in the AIP, the information will be under "Landing Minima" , ENR 1.5-33 para 4.3.1.
Which tells you to look at Part 91 MOS, Chapter 15, Section 15.10. Thankfully you don't need to bring all MOS volumes, print the IREX extract and get familiarised with the content.
If you bring Jeppesen plates (like in the photo below), in the bottom left corner you will find the visibility conditions 0.8km, 1.2km, 1.5km related to lighting, but remember it will also be FD/HUD related.
Hope this helps