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Pass my IREX

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Nickd created the topic: Pass my IREX

Managed to pass the IREX exam as part of converting my licence from the UK, having already taken AOSA and AHUF.

First of all, I can’t thank Bob and his team enough—both for the IREX book and the lecture series. As a long-distance learner, I found their support second to none, particularly in explaining why the rules exist and how they’re applied within the Australian system. Bob has an incredible knack for simplifying a wide range of topics. I’ve sat many aviation-related exams worldwide, and Bob is honestly one of the best instructors I’ve come across. I’m extremely grateful for how he made navigating Australia’s legislative complexities both straightforward and painless.

For anyone considering this route, I can only echo what others have mentioned: study the material in the IREX book, complete all the questions, and work through the additional exam papers. I actually found the exam to be slightly easier than some of the practice questions, which is precisely the sort of surprise you want! If you want the process to be as stress-free as possible, I couldn’t recommend the lecture series more. I genuinely feel I’ve become a better pilot thanks to Bob’s tuition. In fact, I’m seriously thinking about taking his Met lectures—it’s rare to find such an exceptional tutor. Many thanks again to Bob and the team—one day, I’d love to buy you a few stubbies, as you’d say!

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bobtait replied the topic: Pass my IREX

Thanks for your feedback. It's always a thrill to hear from someone who has found the material helpful. Enjoy your continued adventure in Australia and congratulations on you IREX pass. It should be acknowledged, however that the real reason for your success has been the effort you yourself have put into it. Well done. (The stubbies sounds like a good idea as well).


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jaybayliss replied the topic: Pass my IREX

Congrats on the pass! I have sent you a private message, im also converting my UK ATPL and have AOSA tomorrow and IREX in a few weeks. Thankfully I've purchased the Bob Tail IREX book so ill be sure to work through it front to back


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