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dmw69 created the topic: Standard holding pattern - turn direction?
In the IREX book on p268, the diagram under the heading "The Standard Holding Pattern" shows a pattern with left hand turns, and all the other examples & diagrams shown in this section of the book are also all holding patterns with left hand turns. But in AIP ENR 1.5-28 (3.1..3) it says that right turn holding patterns are standard -?
Bosi72 replied the topic: Standard holding pattern - turn direction?
Please re-read AIP again
3.1.3 Right turns holding patterns are standard holding patterns and must be flown unless the AIP chart depicts, or ATC directs, otherwise.
dmw69 replied the topic: Standard holding pattern - turn direction?
Thanks for the reply and sorry maybe my actual question wasn't clear - if right-turn holds are in fact standard (as per AIP), why does the Bob Tait book label a diagram showing left-turn holds as "The Standard Holding Pattern"?
dmw69 replied the topic: Standard holding pattern - turn direction?
I'm not normally a pedantic person! But everything I hear & read about this exam tells me you need to bring a micro-detailed, literal approach to the study and the exam itself, hence this question and some others I've asked on this forum.
bobtait replied the topic: Standard holding pattern - turn direction?
The diagram on Page 268 was intended to Illustrate the procedures only. However, I do agree that the AIP definition, for some strange reason, says that the 'standard' holding pattern is based on right-hand turns. I have amended the diagram to show right -hand turns. Thanks for your feed-back. It is most appreciated.