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Take-off minima when returning after an engine failure
tylergobbins created the topic: Take-off minima when returning after an engine failure
If the weather at YSBK is 800ft cloud base with 2km visibility, can you depart in a multi-engine aircraft and, in the event of an engine failure, plan to return to YSBK? Given that these conditions are below alternate minima, would a "take-off alternate" be required?
If a take-off alternate is required, would YSSY be a suitable choice even if it also requires an alternate, or would this flight not be possible unless the weather at YSBK was above alternate minima? Or, is an alternate simply not required in this scenario?
WayneJ replied the topic: Take-off minima when returning after an engine failure
My understanding from memory, is that if the cloud and visibility are above the instrument approach minima, a take-off alternate is not required. Otherwise an alternate is required within 60 minutes flying at single engine cruise speed.