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wabigail created the topic: Deaparting/Approaching and airport with no IAP
Evening all, a question that i really should know the answer to but struggling to find the answer.
How do you depart/approach an aerodrome that isn't served by an IAP?
my thinking is that departing you just climb to LSALT and once above the LSALT you can then manoeuvre to your waypoint.
Bosi72 replied the topic: Deaparting/Approaching and airport with no IAP
Check AIP ENR 1.1 - 54, Sect 9. Operations in Class G Airspace
In a nutshell, and this will be discussed and demonstrated by your instructor in more details:
1. Do you have a takeoff minima: clouds 300ft & 2k visibility? (MOS Part 91 15.06, depending on your aircraft)
2. If yes, consider what would you do if engine fails (e.g. in a Twin). You will need to fly and land to an aerodrome with an instrument procedure. Good luck in a single.
3. Submit a flight plan
4. Make an IFR Taxi report radio call to the Centre (as well as on CTAF) AIP ENR 1.1 - 80
5. Departure (Airborne) report call AIP ENR 1.1 - 81
6. Climb to LSALT within 3nm by extending CCTS legs,
7. Established on track within 5nm
8. Fly your plan
wabigail replied the topic: Deaparting/Approaching and airport with no IAP
Thanks for the reply, Bosi,
I suppose the only thing I'm still a bit unsure of is reaching LSALT and how to be go about that. Given there is no circling area for an aerodrome without an IAP, is the best method to use as you say, climb using extended legs of the circuit? Is there a reg or something that I've missed somewhere?
I've also heard of people using the runway splays as protection climbing out runway heading, wondering if you could shed some light on this as well.
Much appreciated!
Bosi72 replied the topic: Deaparting/Approaching and airport with no IAP
I suppose you will know the aerodrome/surroundings/procedures before taking off into the soup. For example you won't depart from Mount Beauty towards the mountains.
Also, you will know the performance of your aircraft, e.g. how far it reaches 500ft, 700ft.
Another good practice is to keep GNSS on nearest aerodrome page so that you know how far you are from your departure aerodrome reference point.
Check AIP ENR 1.1 - 59, Para 9.2.5
Pilots may vary the size of the circuit depending on:
a. the performance of the aircraft
b. safety reasons
c. in accordance with AFM, POH, SOP