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Gerard71 created the topic: Alternates

In practice exam two question.14 the answer suggests that if no approach available we must refer to the GAF and apply the LSALT + 500 rule, 8 km to determine if we require an alternate. However the question also presents us with a TAF. I am unable to find a reference in the AIP which instructs us to ignore a TAF which the question appears to suggest

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bobtait replied the topic: Alternates

I can't find that question in the book. Can you let me know what page it's on. Thanks.

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Gerard71 replied the topic: Alternates

It is the online IREX test exam number 2
Not in the book

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Bob Taits admin replied the topic: Alternates

The exam questions are randomly numbered and generated, please include a more detailed copy of the question wording so we can find it in the data base.

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