Hi all and especially hi to the Bob Tait team.
I am currently doing my CPL Helicopter theory. I started home study 2 weeks ago(in Timor at the moment but back to OZ next week for a month)
I have set myself an impossible task of completing and passing all the 7 subjects before I come back to Timor. Good luck me.
I have a secret desire to actually complete the flying component in the same time and have a shiny CPL Helicopter when I head back to work. But maybe I am asking too much of myself.
I have a fixed wing PPL which I have had about 10 years. I have maybe 120 hours in that time so not much pilot experience sadly.
One of my mates sugested I use the Bob Tait cyber practice exams in the prep process so here I am. So far I have browsed through some of the forums and worked out what I need to purchase from the store. Cool.
Loved the forums but early days here. Great reponses from the team. Very very useful and focused in the right area at the right level.
Nice work.
Lengthy hello and who cares right - just giving background as I may need help getting through this mission impossible.
P.S. - where is the spell check?? Ahh man...