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CASA exam question help!!

  • davidyeung1991
  • Topic Author

davidyeung1991 created the topic: CASA exam question help!!

1st attempt met and got 54% . :( here is the question what i got in exam and i am not sure. just want some help thanks
Q1 when most form tropical cyclone in northern australia?
a. inland oct to dec
b.inland jan to march
c. ocean oct to dec
d. ocean jan to mach

Q2 .when decent to inversions layer what happen?
a. altimer under read
b. deteriorate left
c airspeed increase

Q3. what is the wind flow direction? (forgot the exact question)
a.veering night, backing daytime
b.veering night time and day time
c.backing night and veering daytime
d.backing day and night time

what is temp in synoptic (forgot the question)

Q5.refer VFR day BOOK pg 44 . figure 49 in M?
a. hot and dry in Adelaide ,cooler cloud in Perth
b.hot and dry in perth, cooler cloud in Adelaide
c.hot and dry in perth and adelaide

Q6. cumulus to NS ?
a. stable
b. unstable
c. condition stable
d. condition unstable

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: CASA exam question help!!

Hi David,

Thanks for your post and sorry to hear about your bad luck with the met exam. I'll take a look at those questions for you but just as note for the future, please don't post entire questions if you can avoid it as CASA takes a really dim view of this and we don't want to cause any trouble there.

1) Tropical cyclones are most common over the ocean between January to March and occur from about 5 degrees to 15 degrees South latitude.
2) None of those answers make any sense in this question and I'm not sure what you meant with the "Deteriorate Left" answer option.
3) Assuming a stable synoptic situation and away from local winds such as sea and land breezes, you can expect the wind speed to be higher in the daytime compared to at night due to convection. Faster moving air is influenced by coriolis force more dramatically and so the daytime wind will tend to be stronger and back during the day and be weaker and veer at night.
4) iso = same, therm = temperature, bar = pressure so a line of equal temperature is an isotherm.
5) I don't have my VFR book handy so I'll have to hold off on answering this one for the moment. I'll get back to you on it.
6) I don't think I understand the question here. Do you mean what atmospheric conditions will predispose to thew formation of Cu cloud versus Nimbostratus cloud?



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  • davidyeung1991
  • Topic Author

davidyeung1991 replied the topic: CASA exam question help!!

today i resit my met exam again .finally pass 87%. well , I go though bob tait book again and again print out the CASA part 61 note for met.
some of the question will trick you out , if you not very clear the concept.
Thank you for Richard
well some of the question appear again same as my 1st attempt. (around 5) and one question still wrong.
Q1. when the strong head wind during the long final approach ,descending to invention layer , what happened during the long final?
a. the deterioration of lift
b. airspeed increase
c. the reduce of ice risk
d. altimeter under read

i answered B , but my KDR still had fog and inversion

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  • Richard

Richard replied the topic: CASA exam question help!!

Hi David,
Congratulations on your pass. That is great news. Knowing now that they referred to a "strong headwind", it is a bit more obvious what you can expect to happen. If there is an inversion layer, the winds below the inversion must be reasonably light otherwise the inversion will thicken and weaken to the point where it disappears altogether. If you are descending from a "strong" headwind into the inversion layer, you will experience a decrease in the headwind strength and therefore a drop in airspeed as you pass through the boundary. A drop in airspeed will result in a loss of lift - option A.

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  • Rova

Rova replied the topic: CASA exam question help!!

Hey Richard I have failed my met exam 3 times having no idea y, the old practice cyber exam I have been doing was outdated which I just found out, any idea wea I can new set of practice cyber exam which has part 61 please

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  • davidyeung1991
  • Topic Author

davidyeung1991 replied the topic: CASA exam question help!!

Hi Rova,
I know your ur feeling, same case as my previous Casa exam. I think CASA exam is like to be english test (wording, phases) and little bit psychological. Its very hard for me ,and my first language is not English. I keep failing in begin. Finally I Pass all my CPL subject. I can give u some tips and hope its help.
1. Maybe not very clear the theory concepts or Stress during in exam.
2. Some of the question will trick u out if u didn't read the question carefully. Try to use all the time limited, Check and check. Aim to 90-100% in casa exam ( Previous experience as I feel I likely will achieve 80% ,but finally i only got 65-69 % Jesus :ohmy: )
3. After u read the question, Don't read the option first, think ur own answer first. As these options will mix u up easily.
4. Print the part 61 exam syllabus, go though each topic. www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/lib1...3-schedule-3-new.pdf
5. Get new bob tait cyber exam and aim to 100%.

I hope its help. Don't give up . i think u have to get some relax in this stage .

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  • jayunit_2

jayunit_2 replied the topic: CASA exam question help!!

Hi Rich,

I was doing some reading regarding winds and i found out on this website that wind backs at night and veers during the day www.theairlinepilots.com/forum/viewtopic...bcdc74c131cfe4da267b, im a little bit confused because i don't know which of the two different answers will be considered correct by the CASA PEXO Met exam...
Your prompt reply is highly respected.


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