Hi All,
Passed my final CPL theory test today Performance.!!
Thank you to all who encouraged me on this one and Bob and Richard in particular for creating a teaching system to jump the hurdle. This was good as I had trouble sleeping last night (probably as its the last exam).
I got 3 hours sleep so if I can do it in that state then you can do it as long as you prep well.
I found Performance and Nav to be the hardest subjects to study, but the exam for performance seemed easier but required you to move quickly on the calc. Performance was harder to study than Nav in my opinion, but the exam was easier. Thanks Bob and Richard to going to all the trouble of making a computer based system that sheds light on different aspects (practical aspects) of the application of this stuff in real life. That made it more useful.
The new computer systems are in and appear not to offer all the same exhibits as the old one did, but here are some of the examples of exam type questions worthy of considering. They are slower to print your results and also slow between clicking next on questions.
eg TORA is 800m ADSA is 850m. With a displaced threshold of 80m from the runway end, would this give a LDA of 720m or 770m LDA?
ACFT takes off with flaps down - is takeoff distance reduced or greater, and climb out faster or slower?
Speed at which you should only operate ABOVE in stable smooth air Va, Vno, Vb etc
Know your vspeeds well.
Get good at moving fast on echo and allowing for adding fuel into the mix as flight fuel (on top of ZFW) as well BEFORE ballast (solid) and flight fuel.
The Pcharts were easier than I had thought because i took my time, and also its worthy of note that it pays to double check the KG to lbs and double check your slope % as well as its easy when drawing to get 2 and 1.5 % mixed up from the last question, and as always helps to draw the RWY's also with a slope on them in the direction and double check its the right direction.
We did most of the charts one from each, its just time and accuracy intensive.
Remember you can use the flowchart method for all loading questions EXCEPT the ones that involve forward c of g AND adding or removing weight which you do on the printed c of g envelope often by adding weight, redoing the new moment and then extrapolating a line out.
Yes you need the formula for forward limit variable if over 2360kg then you do (present weight - 2360) x 0.27 + 2400 and need to know that at or under 2360 kg then its just 2400mm.
Couple of PNR and ETP questions, no single engine return ETP's though. Most of them involved converting the distance into minutes and minutes into distance..
The biggest thing is time - I only just ran out of time on the last question, but had a couple of others earmarked for visiting again but ran out of time.
I think the main mindset to have during the exam is plough on, fast and accurate on calc for echo and loading, remember the formulas ( I might scan my handwritten formula sheet up for what its worth - it helped me but I didn't get time to write it out again in the exam.
The succeed or die mindset will mean you don't slow down but keep going consistently despite the pressure and go right up until the end when the time is getting close, you never know what a few extra points will do!
Good luck all with this one, and onwards on upwards, now i can prepare for the flight test!!
See you in the circuit, or in IREX at some future time!