I'm a little unsure of this question someone asked me today:
State the effect on rate, angle of descent and attitude resulting from changes in the following:
- power – constant IAS
- flap – constant IAS
From my understanding, when flap is extended in a decent, rate of decent does not change (I'm a little unsure of the technical details about this), but angle of decent will increase (once again, I'm a little unsure about the technical detail about this). As for attitude, when flap is deployed, we get an initial balloon affect, that if not controlled for will cause us gain altitude, so we want to pitch down and keep a nose down attitude. Am I correct? Could someone explain the technical details?
As for power, I am totally lost on this and have no idea. Could someone explain this? I'm assuming that, if you decrease power, to keep a constant IAS you must lower the nose to compensate (decrease AoA), and thus would have a low nose attitude and your angle of decent would also increase, but I am unsure about rate of decent.
Help is much appreciated!