Hi Carl
Funnily enough, I was looking at that very question last night - probably around the same time as you were....
You're quite right: there's a discrepancy there between the VFR-G and the AIP. The VFR-G says:
"An aircraft will not be permitted to commence take-off until:
A preceding departing aircraft using the same runway has
- crossed the upwind end of the runway
- commenced a turn
- if the runway is longer than 1800m: become airborne and is at least 1800m ahead of the following aircraft
- if the preceding aircraft has a MTOW of 7000kg or less and the following aircraft has a MTOW below 200kg and is slower: the preceding airaft is airborne and is at least 600m ahead of the following aircraft
- if both aircraft have a MTOW below 2000kg: the preceding aircraft is airborne and is at least 600m ahead of the proposed point of lift-off"
.... etc
Now, where they got those last two points from, I don't know (I've been looking, but haven't been able to find it). Because here's what the AIP has to say about it, in ENR 1.1 para 41.2:
"An aircraft will not be permitted to commence take-off until:
A preceding departing aircraft using the same runway has
- crossed the upwind end of the runway
- commenced a turn
- if the runway is longer than 1800m: become airborne and is at least 1800m ahead of the following aircraft
- if both aircraft have a MTOW below 2000kg: the preceding aircraft is airborne and is at least 600m ahead"
.... etc
The differences are apparent: the criterion for an aircraft with MTOW 7000kg or less doesn't appear at all in the AIP version; and the one for both aircraft below 2000kg MTOW requires the preceding aircraft to be merely 600m ahead
of the other aircraft, not of the proposed lift-off point.
I don't know what to make of that, or what possessed the otherwise-very-well-informed author of the VFR-G to put that in there; but the exam guidance is very clear that current regulations take precedence over the VFR Guide (which is, after all, only a guide); so I (and Bob's examiners, by the look of it) will go with the AIP version.
Anyway, good luck with the test!