Hi all aspiring aviators,
I had my first attempt at getting my RPL exam over and done with a couple of days ago. Now first off I will say I didn’t walk in hoping to pass, I walked in with a clear intention of seeing how the questions were written because that is my down fall. For me testing knowledge in a multiple choice question format can be some what confusing, especially the way they are worded.
With the exam if you fail you can get a print out of where your knowledge deficiencies lay, if you get over 50%, if you don’t well.......... your on your own.
So enough rambling, some things I went into the exam under prepared was meteorology, clouds, certain cloud formations that can create turbulence, mountain cloud formation which to be honest had I no idea about, and squalls.
Q’s on Plane configuration for level flight, stress of weather flying ie; vfr vmc limitations and what to do if.....
Q’s on TEM in flight operations (Threat and error management)
There was a sensory Q about reducing visual disorientation sensation which was interesting
A couple of Q’s on carby heat and effects of icing, ie; how does it effect mixture in height and different configuration
Q’s on gauge readings, which ones do what
Take off and landing and loading sheets, I got bravo (which I could definitely scrub up on)
And the old stall speed in banking and general aviation type general knowledge, conversion lbs to weight Q.
The Q are not as wordy as some practice test Questions that I had been practicing with, I would say pretty straight forward however READ the whole Q!!, you didn’t need to figure out what the question was asking or trying to ask before reaching into your knowledge bank if you get my drift, they didn’t seem as ambiguous or confusing as some practice exams that I had purchased from different pilot shop's.
My big take home was definitely clouds and weather deficits, have the load, landing and take offs down and squared away and not worry to much about the way the questions are formatted. Hope this helps, stay safe, keep feathering it and keep it high and tight.