I successfully passed my PPL on Monday and here is a summary of the steps so far:
Steps to become a Certified UAV Controller in Australia
Step 1: Apply for an ARN (Aviation Ref No) from CASA (CLARC)
Action: CASA Form 1162
Cost: $0 (free)
Step 2: BAK/PPL training
Action: Undergo a training course (full time, correspondence or on-line) that runs through the BAK and PPL material.
Cost: Full time course at Bob Tait’s Aviation school cost $1400 + 2 Books ($172)
Step 3: Purchase various items
Action: You will need to purchase the following: VFR (Day Booklet), PCA (Planning Chart Australia), ERSA, VFG – Visual Flight Rules Guide, E6B Flight Computer, Plotter & Ruler Combined, Log Book (not necessary, but recommended)
Cost: Just over $200
Step 4: Aircraft Radio Operator Certificate of Proficiency (AROCOP) Training – usually a half day course.
Action: Undergo training for Radio Operator Certificate of Proficiency.
Cost: $50 to trainer
Step 5: Sit the on-line Aircraft Radio Operator Certificate of Proficiency (AROCOP) exam (Oral and Practical Components) with a CASA FOI or Approved Check Radio Operator
Action: 1-1.5 hour on-line exam (30 questions + oral test. 90% pass mark). Obtain an Aircraft Radio Operator Certificate of Profiency
Cost: $50 to CASA
Step 6: Apply for exemption letters from CASA, once you have your ARN
Action: Exemption Letter from sitting the BAK Exam (1.5 hours on-line cyber-exam. 70% pass mark. 1-3 points each question)
Action: Exemption Letter from sitting the IREX Exam (UAV Line of Sight)
Cost: $100 to CASA if you sit the BAK exam
Step 7: Book a sitting for the PPL exam
Action: The PPL exam sitting has to be booked on-line through ASL
Cost: $110 + $65 = $175
Step 8: Sit the on-line PPLA or PPLH cyber-exam
Action: Sit 3.5 hours (210 minutes) on-line cyber-exam at selected venue (eg Archerfield). 70% pass mark. 55-60 Questions. 1-3 points each question.
Obtain Single Exam results page and Knowledge Deficiency Report (KDR).
Step 9: UAV Training Course
Action: Undertake a UAV Type Training Course conducted by the manufacturer, manufacturer agent, UAV Operator Certificate holder or approved flying training organisation.
Cost: $?
Step 10: Log 5 hours UAV Operating experience
Action: To be eligible for a UAV Controller Certificate you need at least 5 hours UAV Operating Aeronautical Experience. Log this is your Log book.
Cost: $?
Step 11: Apply for UAV Controllers Certificate from CASA
Action: CASA Form 1087
Cost: $160
So, I am not even there yet (for my Controller Certificate) and it has already cost me around $2300. Add in all of the other costs like the accommodation, fuel and living expenses it is quickly adding up to be an expensive and time consuming process. If CASA are making it so hard and expensive to go through all of these steps then I hope that this money is all going to be well spent. If they do not crack down harder on the illegal controllers and operators then why should people like me have to go through all of this?
Cheers - Michael