Below is the current errata list for this textbook. These errata will be corrected in the next edition.
Set 6 Question 8 Info on enroute forecasts is now found in AIP GEN 5 Para 7. Set 6 Set 3 Question 4 ILS for East Sale is now RNP RWY 22. Part 6 Set 4 Question 3 the question text has been changed to indicate that the aircraft is fitted with DME. Part 6 Set 8 Question 8 track inbound to the aid should read 014. doesn't change the answer. Part 9 Set 4 change VOR/DME to VOR Z RWY 11.
Page 230 Question 12 answer (e) should read 558ft cloud base and visibility of 3.2 km
Exercise 14 Orentation Questions on radio navigation aids. The answer to Question 44 should have been (d).
Page 327 Revision Questions Set 3 Question No 7. The aircraft navigation equipment has beed amended to include 2 x TSO 146 GNSS receivers,.
Page 340 Question 13 Set 10. The question has become outdated. It has been replaced with Question 13
Page 155 has been rewritten. Page 155
Several recent changes to ERSA have given rise to the errata below. Mainly in preferred routes.
Page 171 Q1 Replace 'Coonabaraban' with 'Cooma Snowy Mountains, Page 182 The validity of the TAF3 should be 0300/0100. Page 191 Revision Exercise 4. The alternate minima for YSSY is now 1189 ft. (doesn't change the answer). Page 203. Now route via MAKOR Page 206 Q 1 W220 has been replaced by V285 and flight to be conducted at A100, not A080. Q 2 YSSY - YCFS is now DCT TESAT H252 UPENX H140 MALTA BANDA CFS CFS DCT. Q3 Change of waypoints. Now OTLIN V543 DUUKE Q511 RIC V11 BK. Q7 frequency changed to 120.75. Page 207 Q 10 Frequency changed to 135.7.
Page 193. The question text now inlcudes an extract from the GAF as follows. "The GAF sub-division C (around Kalumburu), forecasts cloud as BKN with a base of 1000 feet and tops of 2000 feet)". Page 195 now includes the following expanded explanation for the application of 'contingency fuel' "Minimum fuel required on departure Griffith would normally be: 31 x 1.1 + 18 + 45 + 30. However 10% of 31 is only 3.1 minutes. The contingency fuel is the lesser of 10% of the trip fuel or 5 minutes whichever is the greatest. So, in this case you must use 5 minutes. So min fuel = 31 + 5 + 18 + 45 + 30 = 129 minutes”. Part 135 MOS 7.02 (b).
Page 334 Set 7 Question 9. Amend answer choice (d) to read "Continue the approach on a track of 169°M to the circling area and join a right downwind for runway 34."
Operational Met Assessment Test. Page 365 Answer to Question 6 is (c). The answer to Question 7 is (d). Question 8 has fallen victim to the document changes. It has been deleted.
Page 103 Exercise 2.11 Question 5 Rooks has been changed to Uprun. Question 6 Minni has been changed to Ensid. The answers are still correct.
Page 315 Question No 34. Add to the question text "You are tracking on the RWY 19 LOC not below the glide path and with less than full scale deflection on the glide path indicator". The answer remains 10nm.
Page338 Revision Question Set 10 Question No 2. The route from Smithton to Hobart is now called T234. The reporting point 'Salem' is now called 'Urben'. Change any reference to 'Salem' to 'Urben'. The answer is Urben only.
Page 334. CIR Revision Questions - SET 7 Question 9
The answer is [d] Continue the approach on a track of 169°M to the circling area
and overfly and join a left down wind for runway 16
Page 348 Test No 2. The name of the STAR has changed from WARREN SEVEN to WARREN EIGHT. There is no obvious change to the procedure so the answer to the question remains the same.
Page 217. Exercise 3.2 Question No 30 Answer. The explanation is correct, but the answer identifier should be changed to (d).
Page 188
The question text has been amended as follows. The answer remains the same.
Page 155 Example: You are flying an aircraft ftted with two TSO (E)145 RNAV [GNSS] receivers
Should read:
Example: You are flying an aircraft ftted with one TSO (E)129 RNAV [GNSS] and one TSO 146 [GNSS] receivers
Page 194. Line beginning "Therefore minimum fuel required" 105.4 should be changed to 205.4 (call it 206).
Page 145 Revision questions 2.1 Question 2 answer [d] Air transport needs two RNAV GNSS recievers (other than TSO 129)
IREX question based on the Kununurra RWY 12 NDB approach. Typo. 208 should be 028 and answer should be 358°M
Change answer (b) to 480ft. It is the glide slope indicator that has failed. You will still have a DME readout from the RNAV/GNSS. A DME is required for this approach, so you can continue with the LOC approach. Answer according to the current DAP is 460ft.
Page V in the intro to the book. Permitted materials includes Part 135 MOS. It was omitted in the last print of the book.
Page 194. Last line in the Kalumburu question answer. ("call it 206" should read "call it 106")
Page 152 beside the image of the ERC chart for Caiguna, The grid lowest safe altitude has been changed to 1900 feet. So, once you are established within the grid containing Caiguna, you may descend to 1900 feet and, providing you have a visibility of 5km, you may commence a visual approach.
Page 171 Question No 1. Change destination to Cooma-Snowy Mountains. Coonabarabran now has no ground-based aid.
Page 119. first dot point. Replace SID with Instrument Approach Procedure. Page 134. last paragraph. 600nm should be 575nm. Page 143. Question 10. V112 has been amended in the ERC to V656.
Page 145 Answer to question 9 is now (a). The rated coverage of the Emerald NDB has changed. It is now 60nm not 40nm. The flight can be planned by reference to ground-based aids only.
Page 142 Revision Exercise 2.3 Question 1. Add 'in a multi-crew aircraft' to the end of the question stem after 'in IMC".
Page 103 Exercise 2.1. The first three questions have been amended. See attached below the amended Questions and Answers
Single pilot air transport flights require two altimeters and two attitude indicators. CASR 135 MOS 11.07. (1) (2) (3).
Some of the questions in the IREX book make reference to ground operation of radar equippment. The answers were based on the assumption that CAO 20.9 was still in force. That is not correct. Only reference to operation of electronic epuippment in the vicinity if refuelling points is in CASR 91.485 (3) (c) (ii), which says 6m is the minimum distance at which electronic equipment can be operated from refuelling points.
The required aeronautical knowledge for the CASA IREX is largely unchanged. However there have been some changes affecting the document references where the information can be found. The links below will assist in finding the new references that affect the IREX study guide.IREX_AIP_REFERENCES.pdf
Page 319 Answers to Question 4 Set 2 Revision Exercises. Replace existiing answer with:
Kerang has a GNSS approach with alternate minima specified as 1116 ft ceiling and minimum visibility of 4.4 km. There is no TAF available for Kerang but you can use the Area QNH inste (AIP ENR 1.5 para 5.3.4. So use a ceiling of 1165 and 4.4 visibility. Also be careful of the use of 'and' or 'or'. if either the ceiling or visibility is below the minimum, an alternate is required
The latest issue of the AIP (March 2021) has required a large number of
changes to the references in our study guides.
There have been no signifcant changes to the actual wording, but the
section and paragraph numbers have changed rather dramatically.
As you can imagine, this has presented us with a major task of updating
hundreds of references across all of the publications plus hundreds of
on-line practice exam questions
This document LATEST REFERENCE CHANGES.pdf contains the relevant changes to the
Page 358 Question 1 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.4 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.6.4
Question 2 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.6 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.6.6
Question 3 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.4 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.6.4
Question 4 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.1 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.6.1
Question 5 AIP GEN 3.5 para 13 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 12
Question 6 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.1 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.6.1
Question 7 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.8 & 13 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.6 & 12
Question 9 AIP GEN 3.5 para 12.17.2 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 12.18.2
Question 10 AIP GEN 3.5 para 12.16 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 12.17
Question 16 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.4.3
Question 20 AIP GEN 3.5 para 7.3.4 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 7.2.4
Question 21 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.4 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.5.4
Question 22 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.6.4 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.4.3 (answer changed to (a) )
Question 25 AIP GEN 3.5 para 3.7.5 now reads AIP ENR 3.5 para 3.6.5
14.11.2020 The PDF in this link replaces the section on TTF's with it replacement the TAF3
Page 194 Question No 5. The chart has changed since this question was written. It has been replaced with "YBSU to YBBN. Correct answer VIA V217 GAYLA V307 BN DCT
Page 173 Paragraph 1. The alternate minima 1087 and 4.4 for Brisbane is now 1135 and 4.4
Question 9 answer (a) is now "carry out a missed approach"
Page 286 & 287
Marker Beacons are no longer used in Australian ILS procedures. These pages have been replaced with more information on ILS. approaches. Download here.
Page 181 Changed minimum fuel required equation to reflect the changed fuel requirements ie: no variable reserve on alternates
Therefore minimum fuel required = [84 +38] x 1.1+ 45 + 30 = 210 minutes
is now
Therefore minimum fuel required = [84 x 1.1] + 38+ 45 + 30 = 205 minutes
Page 183 [31 +18] x 1.1 + 45 + 30 = 127 minutes.
is now
10% of 30 is less than 5min. So add 5 min for variable reserve. 31 + 5 + 18 + 45 + 30 = 129 minutes
Page 181 Changed minimum fuel required equation to reflect the changed fuel requirements ie; no variable reserve on alternates
Therefore minimum fuel required = [85 +38] x 1.1+ 45 + 30 = 207 minutes
is now
Therefore minimum fuel required = [85 x 1.1] + 38+ 45 + 30 = 207 minutes
Page 183 [31 +18] x 1.1 + 45 + 30 = 127 minutes.
is now
[31 x 1.1] + 18 + 45 + 30 = 127 minutes.